Making money – report May 2017
Ok, so as one of my ideas with this blog was to actually let people know how it goes when you set up an “Artist” from scratch online, with a...
Verified Artist by Spotify
Yay. Today, after a couple of months since releasing my first songs on Spotify, I received an e-mail from Spotify saying I’m now a “verifi...
Temporal Field published
Temporal Field is the third song I’ve published on various services. This is more of a soft lounge Jazz/Chillax song.
Apart from being abl...
Offroad Released
OffRoad, my second song released on Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp etc. Go check it out! 🙂
If the...
New favourite spammer target
As I have had all my old personal social media accounts for quite some time, I also have had time to set them up properly with filters for a...
Social Media for musicians
Continuing on my post from yesterday regarding publishing music and setting up social media profiles, so far on Twitter, Facebook, YouT...